Friday, January 15, 2016


Oct-Dec 2015 . Photography . Kuala Lumpur . Malaysia
Cloudescape: As human beings, we should aspire to sustain the wonder of nature and life!

For almost 2 months in the last quarter of the year 2015, Kuala Lumpur was blanketed in haze from agricultural fires in Indonesia - the longest haze period. It was sort of an annual affair without fail caused by open burning in Sumatra - land clearing for the planting season, illegal mostly. The smoke is blown over by the south-westerly wind over the Straits of Malacca to the west coast of peninsula Malaysia.

With dense pollutants in the air and over the sky, the days were like dooms day - gloomy and grey, smell of burnt ashes of the forest. We lost the greens of the forest and the blue skies at the same moment for convenience and greed.

Sometimes we forget to look up to the sky and appreciate the beauty we have been bestowed by nature on this Blue Planet that we are inhabiting.

A reminder for us all to being human.
Photography by Lisa Foo

Dreamy Mood Cloud

Elephant Cloud

Moon on the Blue

Floating Cotton Cloud on blue

Slithering Cloud

Golden Sky Land Sea

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